
Studio IKEA

Here is my studio again. I'm adding it and a link because it is on the IKEA business site. I put it on the Share Your Space section. You can vote that you like it best...... even if you don't. It's good, free PR. Vote away!


Dacia said...

LOVE IKEA! I have the expedit shelf and I love it. You did an awesome job designing your studio!

Studio Gal Shannon said...

I saw your family blog and you are amazing!

jennifer said...

Your studio looks awesome. Its the kind of place that I would love to just drop by and hang out in for hours on end, but alas that is not to be.(any more)

Anonymous said...

i voted!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Good to see you and hear from you! You and your family are the best. Btw I really really want your studio!!!