
Painting - Naataanii's Hoop Dance

One of the paintings in the magazine Western Art Collector.         31" x 20" oil      


Magazine - Western Art Collector

I got my complimentary copies of Western Art Collector in the mail today and sure enough there was an article about me in it.  I knew it was going to be in there but to actually see it in print was totally cool. Michelle Borgwardt was fun to talk to and wrote a great article. This is the cover of the magazine for Nov. I am on page 98. I think it should be in stores like Barnes and Noble in a few days. Does it show that I am excited? I am... and not ashamed to say so.


Painting - Praise to his Memory

A painting that I finished last week. Religious leader Joseph Smith. Turn into the LDS Church's International Art Contest. It's 16 x 21 in oil. I worked from photos of a statue, death mask, his sons, old photos (that some think might have been him) and other males. Trying to get his likeness was more work than I thought is was going to be. I'm glad I tried it I developed some insight along the way.


Painting - Hydrangeas

Here's a new painting. It's 40" x 30"  oil. I like this because it's so big. The largest hydrangea is 19" wide. I love hydrangeas.can't wait until I have a whole yard full of them. That might go a little slow since I only have 1 plant as we speak. 

Portrait Society of America - Missouri

I was just informed that I was approved to be 
Portrait Society of America's Ambassador to Missouri. 
If you want to know more about it go to www.portraitsociety.org. 
Basically, I help promote portraiture and figurative work in MO and act as a resource for members and non-members. I already got a nice welcome from Joan, the TN ambassador. 
Here is their website. www.tnportraitsociety.org  
I can be as creative as I like with this. So we'll see what happens. 

Painting - Allegory of Passion

 I was going to attach the allegory but I don't know  how to paste anything in and I wasn't going to re-type it. So if someone can tell me how to do that I will post. Otherwise you can visit my website under 'things'. To vote you go to www.smallworksna.com and sign in as a collector. You need an email address. Then you vote for gold, silver, bronze. You don't have to vote for me, ok, well, you don't have to vote 'gold' for me, bronze will do. I didn't even vote 'gold' for me. Well, I didn't even vote for me. I just voted 'gold'. I thought I might not be too objective and it seemed a little too narcissistic. But, I have no problem asking you to vote for me. 



I'm teaching a group of gals a drawing class for this month. Our first day was fun. It was good for me to remember the basics. And it will be good for you gals to remember to draw in your sketchbooks.

Hannah, Brighton, Jeanine, Polly, Jo Ellen, Patti, (sorry Stephanie)


Studio IKEA

Here is my studio again. I'm adding it and a link because it is on the IKEA business site. I put it on the Share Your Space section. You can vote that you like it best...... even if you don't. It's good, free PR. Vote away!



I was looking at some old pictures. This was such a great day for me, our family, that I decided to put these up. This was April 2005. Allen was such a MAJOR support during those 4 1/2 years that it took to get through. He called himself my "PA = personal assistant". He would pick me up, drop me off all over campus and do all sorts of things. What a great partner. He is my perfect match. Leila is 19 here. I graduated late, she graduated early. I graduated in visual art, she in English. A great accomplishment for her. She went on to law school and should find out if she passed the bar in a couple of weeks. Thanks for reminiscing with me.